A series of videos by a curious Kat. Mixed parts of tutorials, recipes, tips n’ tricks and folklore advice. How to make a solid martini, ask someone those burning existential questions, and change a tire. I know a little about a lot, am not an expert, am a forever student and also kind of everyone’s dad. I will probably get many things wrong, misspeak and potentially do things out of order (cuz we’re keeping this irl, also thank you sudden onset adult dyslexia).

So, these will be what they are. Fun, somewhat informative and will hopefully make you laugh. Self started, community created. Let’s have fun with it, I can’t wait to see how/what/when we’ll do things. So here’s the trailer to get you excited and get things rolling.

Let’s do something.

Shot by Angell Foster and Ashtin Paige. Edited by Angell Foster. Created by Kat Wolle, Wild Artifact.