Wild Wednesdays - DIY Floral Ice

It’s hot, it’s muggy, everything and everyone is sweating. So much so that I feel like I’ve sweat past lives out onto the sidewalk while trudging to my destination in hopes of some cool relief.

Since we’re already going to be throwing ice into any drink we can, why not make it pretty?!

Find some edible flowers (ask friends/neighbors/etc if you don’t have any!), also use an app to identify and make sure you have the right ones, some varieties have sub species that are so similar but one is edible and one is not!

Buy some silicone ice trays - W+P Design has some good ones, Amazon of course, just follow your heart.

Fill the trays halfway with water. Add the flowers, let freeze for at least two hours, then take out and fill with ice cold water to the top. This way the flowers stay in the middle for that dramatic effect you want and won’t float to the top!

Et voilá! Spice up your 7th glass of water, your 5 o’clock cocktail or your kid’s lemonade.


Wild Wednesday Teaser

“Do not strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given to you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.” - Letters to a Young Poet.

Every major decision in my life has been made following a feeling, a knowing. My parents will say that it’s God telling me to do something, I will expand that and say that I’m following intuition, perhaps spiritually enhanced. From decisions made throughout the day or major life changes, trusting it has proven its legitimacy a thousand times over, especially when I ignore it or think it could be wrong. That bites me in the ass every single time.

That intuition is why I’ve chosen majors, moved, jobs, friends, good/bad decisions, dropping a random note in a mailbox or a care basket off to a friend. It’s why I’ve waited, or charged forward. Said “yes” to everything sprinkled with the occasional “no”.

I’ll share a secret with you. Since I was young I’ve seen this and more, dreams I thought would only stay in the clouds but now are floating within reach and as much as I show online, behind the scenes I’ve been working on secrets for years. But, much like the quote at the top, I knew I had to be quiet, and wait, and live. There were experiences to experience, projects to build, people to meet and life to live that would all need to be moving to make it happen. I wasn’t quite ready, there had to be more growth and shedding of ego and self and It would take community, so many experiments, soul crushing events and building back ups, time alone, time filled, and light seeking everything.

So now has come the time to listen to it again.

A morning in June. I woke up and felt the knowing, the feeling like if I didn’t do what was inside my head I was going to throw up. Then the pieces began to gather together, the people started to show up, my force of nature friends arrived and gave themselves to my service. Speechless.

So the first project is being released. It’s fun, quippy, meant to be laughed at, taken somewhat seriously, shot beautifully, enjoyed and whatever. It’s out of my head, that’s the biggest part. Here’s a teaser that doesn’t explain at all what I’m doing at all but it will keep your interested piqued until tomorrow.

To the follow throughers, the people who dream and do, the ones who have an insatiable need to get the ideas out of their head. Cheers and Amen.

Video: Ashtin Paige / Editing: Angell Foster / Location: Bloomsbury Farm